Who are the women in your life who you admire?
Most students might answer they admire their mothers, aunts or grandmothers who raised them as well as their counselor, Estahappy who shows them there are many ways to learn.
Anyone can teach a girl how to use a computer or count the days in her menstrual cycle, however only a dedicated mentor inspires a girl’s confidence in learning. Only a passionate leader fosters a deep sense of belonging in a community.
Sr. Executive Director, Estahappy knows what it’s like to grow up in a family with 14 siblings and to persevere in the face of endless obstacles and disappointments to continue her education. It takes grit to achieve. And unrelenting optimism to engage girls in education, community, health, and sports.
She instills sportsmanship and teamwork as a coach with Coaches Across Continents. As an educator, she demands respect, perseverance, and participation.
Estahappy helped dream and blossom into reality The Girls Center to become an encouraging safe space for ambitious girls to bond. She exposes students to a ‘world of possibilities’ through trainings, internships, study tours and community activities. In 2021 Estahappy and TGFT students impacted more than 8,000 youth.
Magic happens when you connect people and when your sense of purpose is ‘to pass it forward’.