Torrential Rains + Optimism + A Stroke of Luck = Change
After 3 days and nights of torrential rains in March, our Girls Center was flooded with 3 feet of water. No one was hurt however, we lost computer hard drives, books, notebooks, clothing as well as some of our chickens and chicken feed we were storing for our Women’s Savings & Loan Group. When the water became contaminated, we had no choice but to find a new location.

Last week we moved into a beautiful new house!

Our new Girls Center is in our same neighborhood within walking distance of Intel Primary School who we partner with. Our students volunteer in their classrooms and several of our students graduated from Intel.

We’d also like to welcome our newest Board member Laisee Rintel who has launched TGFT on Instagram and Twitter. Follow us! And come visit us at our new home!