Pascalina's Gap Year at The Girls Center

After students graduate from secondary school (11th grade) in Tanzania, there is an 8-month gap before they matriculate into high school (12th and 13th grades). Most students return home and help their families with chores - fetching water, caring for their siblings, cooking. This is a vulnerable time for girls.
We also recognize significant "learning loss" occurs when students aren't in school. We've developed a Gap Year at The Girls Center to motivate and engage our students to learn new skills and develop leadership in their community Pascalina volunteered at Intel Primary School as a part of our community service component of the Gap Year. She graduated from an 8-week computer certification course, which gave her new skills and confidence to implement during her internship at Meru Community Bank. As a part of her internship, she received clients at the bank, created accounts for new clients, and prepared expense vouchers for staff. Pascalina is the 6th student we've sponsored in high school. In July she begins at Ifunda Girls High School and we wish her all the best!