Happy New Year!
Thank you for making 2017 a fantastic year for our students who continue to excel in school and flourish at The Girls Center!

During our Enrichment Program in December 25 students - TGFT students and students from 3 different schools - participated in a Writing Workshop and Sexual Health Workshop. We packed in presentations, discussions, and games.

improved their writing skills,
picked Chaya, kale, spinach, potato leaves, amaranth, Kelly, tea leaves and pepe from our garden for nutritious meals,
tutored younger students in Math,
practiced their public speaking skills and presented their favorite science topics,
made calendars to monitor their menstrual cycles,
learned about family planning, HIV and sexually transmitted diseases,
volunteered to be tested for HIV,
learned new techniques from a personal defense trainer
visited the Arusha Cultural Heritage Museum
practiced typing, studied, read novels, sang, danced and had fun together!

In January, our students started a new academic year at school while our 11th graders began their Gap Year at The Girls Center.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to the girls TGFT reaches. We are giving girls the education and the tools to invest in themselves and to make informed choices in their lives.
We wish you and your family a bright New Year!